The Brief

Contiki is often considered a “one size fits all” option for travellers who want to pack in as much as they can and party. But like all things – what was once cool, was now considered not… We needed to bring Contiki back – fun, bold, optimistic and inclusive.


Travellers barely remember the icons, museums and monuments. It’s the bits in between the landmarks that stick around. Simply showing a young traveller enjoying Europe wouldn’t be enough. So we created a story that only Contiki could tell.

The Process


The Work

Meet Manny the mannequin. Full of hopes, dreams and plastic, Manny reflected all the fears and desires of our core target audience. Manny doesn’t want to be stuck in a dead end job, he yearns to travel and fit in.


Why it Worked

The ad was Contiki’s most successful paid video ever and enjoyed the following results:

  • YouTube completion rate target + 97.5%.
  • Facebook reactions and shares + 62%
  • Facebook post clicks + 16%

“You get one shot at life, and Manny is here to show us that on Contiki it’s those moments in between the tourist landmarks that shape you – it’s in the people that you meet and those personal experiences that end up creating the best moments and stories of your life!”

– Vanessa Fletcher, Marketing Director, Contiki